@Niolations55 "Old games" can be a thing, but... If you have the attention-span of an "adult", I'd recommend you to have a look at this YouTuber:
Grim Beard
135K subscribers & 212 videos (at the time of writing)
He makes really long, extremely detailed videos that look into everything about a game: Developer history, past interviews and marketing material... He invests countless hours and digs up really obscure material. And then he plays games that take forever to finish - often at least twice, from what I understand.
He invests triple digit hours and delivers pretty much all the information that ever existed about any given game. I am a person who is so critical that it often raises eyebrows, and I'm telling you that 'Grim Beard' is immensely dedicated and immensely competent.
But he has been doing this for 10 years(!) and even though he has an endless list of Patreon supporters there isn't much money in this. While the money he makes helps him to pay the rent, his time invested into his YouTube channel is not particularly profitable. He still works (at least one) day job and he barely stays afloat financially. (Also let's not forget the psychological pressure...)
He found himself an audience and he does what he loves in his spare time, but realistically speaking, he could face homelessness in the near future. 'Despite' being brilliant at this very specialized thing he does and 'despite' a lot of people loving him for it.
Most people don't have the money to support the things they love or when they do, it's often a single dollar - which Patreon & PayPal will still get a cut from...
Making videos for the internet is not so much of a career as it is a very stressful hobby. Unless you're crazy popular - then it's a very stressful 'job'. One that you can't really quit.
I'm not saying you shouldn't follow your dreams or try to do the things you love; but I'm telling you to have no expectation of generating any kind of income in that regard. You'll have to cut out that time out of what is already a fully scheduled day, full of school/work, studying (adults have to learn stuff as well), chores, sleep... And at some point, spending time with friends, spending time with a partner, and actually playing games just for fun.
Personally, I think that you should pursue the art/entertainment ideas you like.
But I also feel that I should point out that the chances of people being interested in your gaming commentary/Let's Plays are less than one in a million. _Especially_ if you are as young as you are suggesting. You can still 'do it for yourself', but don't get your hopes up about finding an audience.
Ty, and I do agree with what you say about the gaming idea. Especially since I would be aiming at games I like and those games arent that popular anymore.